Staying away from wrong people is more important than
surrounding yourself with the right people.
7 red flags in people you should stay away from!
1. People who live for the STATUS QUO.
They always want to impress others and seek status rather than wealth. They look forward to showing off their money.
2. People who fake their professional network with acquaintances.
They flaunt by taking names of successful people while having shallow relationships with them.
3. People who hang out with yes-man only.
These people form a group of yes-men around them and try to look cool in someone's eyes 👀.
4. People who brag about BRAND.
These individuals live an insta-worthy life rather than a meaningful one. They buy articles just to brag about them.
5. People who do not believe in savings and investments for security.
This set of people blow off everything they have earned for STATUS.
6. People who just live in their dreams.
They are all TALK and NO WORK.
7. People who take Credit to buy liabilities
The real rich take credit to build assets contrary to what society does in action.