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Sundar Pichai -" Don't refuse to accept things you don't already know"

 Google had 3000 Employees in 2004,

Sundar Pichai was one of them

What did he do that the other 2999 couldn't?

And how can YOU create a mindset like that

Okay, let us get this secret out!

it's all about the MINDSET

"Yeah everybody says that but what exactly to do?"

Let me tell you exactly how ->


There are two kinds of employees

98% are the soldiers

2% are the explorers

Your goal is to get in that 2% by having the 'explorer mindset'

Soldiers always work, day in day out

most of their time is spent in making reports, submitting them, and then fighting for the credits,

They are stuck in the huge bureaucracy that the company has.

The Explorer on the other hand finds opportunities,

never backs away from new information ...

including the times when it didn’t match with his beliefs

"But I don't have any ideas!"

Let me give you one now -

How cool would it be if we had a podcast named 'Inside Tesla'

where an employee interviews the seniors to find out how a big company works.

You get the point


You have to be the energy of the company,

In the sea of ​​bored soldiers

You have to be the creative, enthusiastic explorer

Basically -

- Don't fear rejection

- Don't refuse to accept things you don't already know

- Be open to new people

- Find opportunities in the tiniest of things

- Get your name out

- Show proof before taking permission

And that's it! a tiny change can spark your career and take you from

The 98%


The 2%

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